Kati Balloons

Kati is a medium sized town near Bamako, the capital, and it was our home for the three weeks when we were volunteering at the Institute for Popular Education. The guide books describe it as "sprawling and unattractive," but it served as a wonderful and welcoming home for us. Most people in Kati did not know about my ballooning prowess, but as I walked the streets, locals approached me constantly, shaking my hand and greeting me warmly. A few friends got to learn about my ballooning skills....

The family kids with their first balloons

Ba Koniba -- Head Teacher at IEP

Sory gets pushed home by a different friend every day. Everyone knows where he lives.

Student Teachers from Sikassso, training through a program
called IFM. They spent one month in Kati, learning about teaching, and more!

Our neighbor, Djenneba, got married, so we stopped by to bring her a gift.

Our host family kids model a practice hippo mask, as we prepare for the Malisadio play.

Maria's sister, Rose, with a balloon corsage.

Here I am making a frog, while Christiane looks on with her Santa hat.

One of the cutest babies on earth.