Mali is a country in West Africa that doesn't see a lot of tourists, especially ones who come with a giant balloon apron! Another teacher and I traveled to Mali to volunteer with the Institute for Popular Education, and to get a taste of West Africa. To view some of the balloons that were pumped up in Mali, click the photos below.
To view our full travel blog, with more detail about our experience, you can visit www.malimania.blogspot.com.
Click here or below for photos of masks and hats
made for a camp dance production of
The Legend of Sadio and the Hippopotamus

Click here or below for photos of balloons around Kati
(the town where we lived and worked for 3 weeks)

Click here or below for photos in and around Djenne, including
a random stop at a local wedding, and ideas to pass the time
when stuck on public transportation with strangers

Click here or below for photos of
rural villagers in Dogon Country

Click here or below for photos of our
goodbye party with our host family
made for a camp dance production of
The Legend of Sadio and the Hippopotamus

Click here or below for photos of balloons around Kati
(the town where we lived and worked for 3 weeks)

Click here or below for photos in and around Djenne, including
a random stop at a local wedding, and ideas to pass the time
when stuck on public transportation with strangers

Click here or below for photos of
rural villagers in Dogon Country

Click here or below for photos of our
goodbye party with our host family

In case you wondered where Mali is on a map....